Welcome to Weekly
Activity Ideas
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Kids love to have something to look forward to and we
love to see that excitement in their eyes! As busy parents
though, it can be tough to keep thinking up fresh activities, crafts
and to-dos. So, if you find yourself
looking for some structure to add direction to your weekly fun with
the kids, we recommend
focusing on a theme.
This can get your creative juices flowing and if you
get the kids in on it too, I'm sure you'll come up with some great
Each Tuesday we'll send you a
theme idea
for the following week
craft ideas
that go with the theme
a food/snack idea to go with the theme
other assorted
activities to go with the theme
Add your own ideas to our suggestions and you're
sure to have fun!
Enjoy :)
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emailed to you each week
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Activity Ideas emailed to you each
week Free:)
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