Hello and Welcome to
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse
and welcome to your first lesson! As promised, this week we're taking a
baby step toward learning to Meal Plan. Specifically, it will help you
learn what you and your family are eating. After all, knowing what you
eating is an important step toward planning what you WANT to be eating
One: Track What You Serve and Make Notes
First, you'll need
to print out the Blank Meal Plan attached to this email or one of the
online versions. All are in PDF format which means you need to have
Adobe Acrobat to see it. If you don't have
Adobe, click here to download it
– it's fast and free.
The Blank Meal Plan
comes in two sizes:
Letter paper
which prints Mon-Fri on one page and Sat. and Sun on another. You can
either cut the left margin off the weekend sheet and tape them
together, or leave it as is and enjoy the extra margin space for any
weekend reminders. You'll find this version online here.
Legal paper
which prints all seven days on one page. I find this the most
convenient but not everyone has legal-sized paper on hand. You'll
find this version
online here.
Now that you've got
a copy of the Blank Meal Plan, all I'd like you to do is keep track of
what you serve your family (and their reactions to it) each day this
week. This is not as easy as planning ahead but it's well worth it to
give you a starting place for next week.
If you get take out
or go to a restaurant, make a note of that in the appropriate space as
well. As a money-saving note, go ahead and briefly write down why you
didn't eat at home and what the meal's cost was. Over the weeks, this
can be quite eye-opening.
The idea here is
that you will have a meal plan to refer to next week and you'll also be
able to visually see who's eating what. So, after each meal and snack
(or at the end of each day), jot down what you served; what you put on
the table or highchair, and any notes for next time. If someone didn't
eat something, make a note of that, if you'd have liked less sauce etc.,
make a note of that. These notes will all serve as reminders to you the
next times you are planning meals.
Learning to plan
meals will have great rewards for you and your family – both financially
and healthfully! Go ahead, grab a pen, start your notes and get ready
to enjoy a happier, more relaxed and healthier you!
For those of you who are disappointed that Lesson One wasn't about
actually creating a meal plan this week – please be patient – there's a
method to my madness. After all, if it was that easy, you'd already be
Meal Planning right? Just take this step-by-step and you'll create a
habit you can keep. "See" you next Wednesday
If you haven't already,
Signup for your Meal Planning 101 eCourse & Reminders here:
Any questions or comments?
email us |
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