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March 18, 2025


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Hello and Welcome to Lesson 12 of
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse

Hello, and welcome to your twelfth lesson!  This is our final week of focusing on the food pyramids.  Read over your past meal plans and see how well you are fulfilling the requirements of Canada's food guide - for fruit.


Lesson Twelve;  A Healthy Review - Fruit

Our last group we'll be considering is fruit.  Click here to visit Health Canada or here to visit the USDA's site to see the recommended number of servings for your family members - they almost always group it in with vegetables and say 5 - 10 servings each day.

Fruit is pretty fun and most kids like at least one fruit.  It's sweeter than veggies so it's usually more popular and it's bright color usually makes a positive impression too. 

Some kids prefer it whole - an uncut apple - and some prefer it "prepared" for them - an apple that's been seeded and cut into wedges.  Find out what your child likes best and go for it :)

Don't forget that, like vegetables, your family may be more inclined to eat it if it's served with dip.  Sweetened yogurt is the simplest - just open a tub and spoon some into a bowl - voila!  Experiment with vanilla (our favorite), strawberry, banana cream etc. until you find one your family likes. 

Another favorite is wedges or pieces of fruit on small plates with a dollop of whipped cream in the middle.  Sweet apples that have been cut into wedges and fanned around a circle of whipped cream is what my sister-in-law calls and "apple flower" and kids love them :)

If, despite your best efforts, your family is still not too excited about fruit, you can always hide it in foods or sneak it in:

  • fruit smoothies prepared in the blender

  • muffins or cake with grated apple or blueberries baked inside and topped with tempting icing

  • low sugar fruit pies or tarts

  • trifles layered with cake, pudding, berries (repeat)

All of these items take the focus off the fruit inside, and instead become a dessert and treat.  Only you will know that the real reason was to get a serving or two of fruit into your love ones :)



Again, all the sheets are in PDF format which means you need to have Adobe Acrobat to see it.  If you don't have Adobe, click here to download it – it's fast and free.

The Blank Shopping list is available online here

The Blank Meal Plan comes in two sizes

  1. Letter paper size - you'll also find this version online here.

  2. Legal paper size - you'll find this version online here.




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Happy Mommy Also Recommends:

Healthy Eating Made Simple - Healthy Menu Mailer


Dine Without Whine - Your #1 Source For Online Meal Planning

Kid Approved Meals















A little bit of time and your great family recipes can make meal times everything you want them to be... and more :)




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