Hello and Welcome to Lesson 18 of
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse
and welcome to your
eighteenth lesson. This week let's think about the handy-dandy
crock-pot (aka slow cooker).
Crock-Pot Recipes
I'm a woman who LOVES her crock-pots - yes "potSSS" :) I have 3
- one small for warm appetizers and then a medium and a large.
If you love your crock pots too, consider this a friendly reminder to
treat yourself and put it into use next week.
If you aren't convinced that a crock pot is for you, let me share
with you some reasons you might love one:
- You get to prep dinner in the morning when everyone is fresh and
happy - no more 5pm rush around when you and the kids are tired.
- Some recipes will even allow you to put all the ingredients into
the crock pot before you go to bed so in the morning you just need
to remove it from the fridge and plug it in - easy.
- By about noon the whole house smells fantastically like your
dinner - yum!
- Less expensive cuts of meat will be very tender after an all day
slow cook (so you save money).
- Flavor, flavor, flavor. Because the foods "mingle"
together all day in the crock pot, they have lots of time to develop
great flavor!
Following are a couple recipes to get you started:
Easy Crock Pot Chicken & Stuffing
4 boneless/skinless chicken breast halves
1 can cream of celery soup or cream of mushroom soup
1/3 cup milk
1 package seasoned stuffing mix with seasoning packet (we use Stove Top)
1 1/2 cups water
Salt and pepper to taste
Place chicken in crock pot. Combine soup of choice and milk and pour
over chicken. Combine stuffing, seasoning packet, salt and pepper (is
using) and water. Mix well. Spoon the mixture the over the chicken and
soup. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours.
Crock Pot Rice & Chops
4 - 6 lean pork chops
1 cup rice (uncooked)
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
1 can chicken broth
1 cup fresh sliced mushrooms
1 small onion (diced)
1 teaspoon garlic powder or 1 clove fresh garlic (minced)
Rinse and drain rice. In a large bowl combine rice, soups, mushrooms,
onion and garlic. Mix well. Place rice mixture at bottom of crock pot.
Lay pork chops over rice mixture. Cover and cook on low for
approximately 8 hours.
Enjoy, Crystal
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