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Hello and Welcome to Lesson 19 of
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse

Hello, and welcome to your nineteenth lesson.  This week let's think about lunches.


Lesson Nineteen; Bunches of Lunches

I'd like to focus attention on lunches this time.  I've heard from many moms who are pretty good about knowing what they are having for dinner but lunch planning goes by the wayside. 

Dinner can take a lot of energy out of you and many moms dread putting on yet another meal at lunch time.  Unfortunately many of the same moms have a mid-afternoon "crash" where they are just exhausted.  Though this can definitely be the result of not getting enough rest at night, it can also be the result of an improper/unbalanced lunch.

Prepping for lunch doesn't have to be fancy but for it to sustain everyone, the main thing to keep in mind is that the lunch is nutritious and balanced. Try to include a mixture of whole grains, protein, calcium, fruit and veggies in each packed lunch and don’t worry it’s really not too difficult.

To help get you started, here’s a 5-day sample lunch menu which is balanced to include a little of everything mentioned above.  You'll also notice that it's kid friendly too AND lunch bag-able for your school aged kids.  Enjoy :)

Day One:
Wholemeal bread sandwich filled with ham and cheese and cut into triangles
Fruit yogurt
Cut melon cubes and cucumber rounds
Small packet of raisins
Milk or fruit juice

Day Two:
Pita filled with turkey and cream cheese
Carrot sticks
Pineapple chunks
Mini muffin
Milk or fruit juice

Day Three:
Homemade Pizza Quesadilla
Apple sauce
Cherry tomatoes and cubes of ham
Yogurt covered raisins
Milk or fruit juice

Day Four:
Bagel spread with peanut butter and full fruit jam
Fresh peach
Carrot sticks and cubes of cheese
Yogurt drink
Milk or fruit juice

Day Five:
Roll filled with tuna and sweet corn
Cucumber slices and cubes of cheese
Bunch of seedless grapes
Mini Fruit Muffin
Milk or fruit

Happy Lunch-Time :)



Again, all the sheets are in PDF format which means you need to have Adobe Acrobat to see it.  If you don't have Adobe, click here to download it – it's fast and free.

The Blank Shopping list is available online here

The Blank Meal Plan comes in two sizes

  1. Letter paper size - you'll also find this version online here.

  2. Legal paper size - you'll find this version online here.



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Healthy Eating Made Simple - Healthy Menu Mailer


Dine Without Whine - Your #1 Source For Online Meal Planning

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A little bit of time and your great family recipes can make meal times everything you want them to be... and more :)




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