Hello and Welcome to Lesson 22 of
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse
and welcome to your
twenty-second lesson.
This week let's talk about something I've read a
fair bit about in the media lately; thinking of the food we eat
like we would medicine we take.
Twenty Two;
Would you
take a daily pill to give yourself heart disease?
Not likely is it? I'm guessing Pfizer wouldn't sell any of
those pills. And yet how many of us will eat a food today that we
know darn well isn't heart-healthy?
The idea or challenge then is to think of the foods you eat as you
would think of medicine. Imagine that the foods on your plate each
came with a slip of paper outlining their side effects - just like your
medicines do - what would that paper say? Would you still want to
eat the food?
I'm sure you've heard of the health benefits of certain veggies and
fruits just like you've heard how detrimental certain other foods are.
When you make your meal plan this week, give thought to the side effects
of each food and choose wisely;)
Again, a ll
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The Blank
Shopping list is available
online here.
The Blank Meal Plan
comes in two sizes:
Letter paper
- you'll also find this version
online here.
Legal paper
size - you'll find this version
online here.
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