Hello and Welcome to Lesson 23 of
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse
and welcome to your
twenty- third lesson.
This week's message is a gentle nudge to get back on the horse,
Consider this a friendly reminder to get back to your meal
planning - if you've let it slip that is :)
It's easy to have the best of intentions to make a change for the
better; it's also easy to let those intentions fall by the
wayside. We all get busy and when that happens it's easier to slip
back into our old habits than it is to keep up with something new.
I promise you though that meal planning is worth the time.
Remember how good it felt to have all your food in the house; to
know what you were making for every meal and snack? Think about
that, print out your forms and get busy :)
Again, a ll
the sheets are in PDF format which means you need to have Adobe Acrobat
to see it. If you don't have
Adobe, click here to download it
– it's fast and free.
The Blank
Shopping list is available
online here.
The Blank Meal Plan
comes in two sizes:
Letter paper
- you'll also find this version
online here.
Legal paper
size - you'll find this version
online here.
If you haven't already,
Signup for your Meal Planning 101 eCourse & Reminders here:
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email us |
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