Hello and Welcome to Lesson 3 of
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse
welcome to your third lesson! This week, you’ll have a chance to get
creative with your Meal Plan.
Lesson Three:
Getting Creative While Remembering Some Rules.
In the past two weeks, you've likely
thought of other
meals you’d like to try
- now's the time to add
some of them
in while keeping in mind these guidelines:
Not everyone likes okra or cilantro -
Only you know how adventurous your family is when it comes to new
foods. If they enjoy trying new recipes then go for it this week; if they only like tried and true
recipes then stick with that. You might be pretty disappointed
if you create a great meal that you are excited about, only to have
the family pick at it unhappily.
Frozen pizza and salad from a bag is a meal
too - One very important thing to keep in mind with every Meal
Plan you create, is to be realistic about your time. If
you have little children who are very demanding of your time, don't
set yourself up for failure and frustration by planning a time
intensive risotto or labor intensive 7 vegetable stir-fry. When
4 O'clock rolls around and you realize that, though it sounded great
on paper, Jr. will just not stop crying long enough for you to stand
at the stove and stir a risotto for 20 straight minutes... you're
going to be unhappy.
Wondering where to find meal and snack ideas?
Here are some sources:
your family. You might be surprised by their responses.
Go ahead and ask them if there are any foods or meals they would like
to have. It might be something you've made before or a food
they've heard of or seen but never tried.
Go to the
You're sure
to find recipe books that appeal to you - low fat, crock pot,
vegetarian or child friendly recipes - all at no cost to you.
Search online.
A quick Google search with keywords of the recipes you're looking for
will turn up many choices. Some searches I enjoy are "crock pot
recipes" and "healthy kids' meals".
Have fun!
Again, a ll
the sheets are in PDF format which means you need to have Adobe Acrobat
to see it. If you don't have
Adobe, click here to download it
– it's fast and free.
The Blank
Shopping list is available
online here.
The Blank Meal Plan
comes in two sizes:
Letter paper
- you'll also find this version
online here.
Legal paper
size - you'll find this version
online here.
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Signup for your Meal Planning 101 eCourse & Reminders here:
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