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Hello and Welcome to Lesson 4 of
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse

Hello, and and welcome to your fourth lesson!  Here I have some ideas to share to get your thoughts running about keeping your planning simple.


Lesson Four;  On Not Getting Too Creative.  

Yes, I know, last week I told you to get creative and add some new meals in.  I just want to make sure you didn't over do it (any Type A personalities out there?).  Magazines' glossy pages with their pretty photos of recipes will tempt you, but too many new recipes will also make meal preparation longer as you muddle your way through new territory. 

To keep things simple, that is, if you got frustrated last week by being overzealous (you're not getting graded on this Dear :) ), try creating a simple schedule around your routine.  For example:

  • are Sunday's busy for you with church and family get togethers?  Plan a crock-pot meal.  Have the leftovers on Tuesday.  For example, roast beef can be reborn as shredded beef on a bun by adding a bit of BBQ sauce to shredded left over roast.  Serve on fresh buns (with cheese if you like) with salad (from a bag) or crudités (a fancy way to say raw veggies).

  • Kids have soccer on Monday?  How about make your own subs?  "Subs" may sound more appealing than "sandwiches" but the only difference in my opinion is the bun :)  Just buy up some sliced meats and cheeses and add sliced tomatoes, lettuce, onions and whatever condiments your family likes.

  • By Wednesday your fresh meat and produce will be low or nonexistent so try a frozen pizza or entrée like chicken cordon bleu and serve with baked potatoes and broccoli (buy the bag of frozen florets and just dump into a microwave safe casserole dish and cook.  When done, drain off most of the water and put 3 or 4 cheese slices on top.  Put the lid back on and the cheese slices will melt to give you cheesy broccoli).

  • You can also make lunches easier by always making extra for dinner and having leftovers the next day - either in someone's lunch box or for you. 

Also see if you can add in some "breaks" for you.  For example:

  • every Tuesday we have take out.  It's Kids' night at McDonald's and the kids look forward to it very much (and so do I). 

  • Fridays or Saturdays are barbeque nights.  I make sure I've purchased something my hubby will happy to barbeque.  He is happy it's "meat-cooked-over-fire" night and I enjoy him making dinner.  It's a win-win situation :)

Of course if you love trying new recipes and you have the time, go for it and load up on library recipe books and glossy magazines - cook to your heart's content.  Bon appetite!



Again, all the sheets are in PDF format which means you need to have Adobe Acrobat to see it.  If you don't have Adobe, click here to download it – it's fast and free.

The Blank Shopping list is available online here

The Blank Meal Plan comes in two sizes

  1. Letter paper size - you'll also find this version online here.

  2. Legal paper size - you'll find this version online here.




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Happy Mommy Also Recommends:

Healthy Eating Made Simple - Healthy Menu Mailer


Dine Without Whine - Your #1 Source For Online Meal Planning

Kid Approved Meals















A little bit of time and your great family recipes can make meal times everything you want them to be... and more :)




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