Hello and Welcome to Lesson 7 of
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse
Hello, and welcome to your seventh lesson! This week we
look at digging in the cupboards and freezer for those "little extras"
Lesson Seven; Using
Up What You Already Have.
You're a rare person indeed if you don't have an
assortment of items in your pantry/cupboards and freezer that have not
been assigned to this week's meal plan - you know what I mean, the
"extra stuff" that
looked so good at the store but you never made
was in the Club Pack of 12 chicken breasts (now you
have 3 left in the freezer)
never got prepared because you ended up going out
for dinner instead :)
... you get the idea...
Let's use up that stuff before it expires or gets
too freezer burned. By the way, this is a good idea to do every
month or so.
Start by taking
quick inventory of what you have on hand. I focus on the
expensive stuff first - usually meat - to be sure that money
doesn't get wasted.
Write those items on a piece of paper, each on
their own line.
Now go through your pantry and look for
any side dishes or ingredients that can be served along side or mixed
with what you've found.
Note those items beside your expensive
or main items.
On each line note what extra you need to
purchase to make a meal.
Go fill out this week's meal plan and shopping
list accordingly.
After all, why buy
new ingredients for 7 meals when you have most of the ingredients in
your pantry and freezer for 3 meals?
Save some money this week and enjoy the extra freezer space.
Now you have room to stock up on the _____ that is on sale this week ;)
Again, a ll
the sheets are in PDF format which means you need to have Adobe Acrobat
to see it. If you don't have
Adobe, click here to download it
– it's fast and free.
The Blank
Shopping list is available
online here.
The Blank Meal Plan
comes in two sizes:
Letter paper
- you'll also find this version
online here.
Legal paper
size - you'll find this version
online here.
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Signup for your Meal Planning 101 eCourse & Reminders here:
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