Hello and Welcome to Lesson 9 of
Our Free "Meal Planning 101" eCourse
and welcome to your
ninth lesson! This week we focus on health some more. Read over your past meal plans and see how well you are fulfilling the
requirements of Canada's food guide - for dairy.
Lesson Nine; A Healthy Review
- Dairy
This week, take a peek at your previous meal plans
to see if everyone is getting enough dairy.
here to
visit Health Canada or
here to visit the
USDA's site to see the recommended number of servings for your
family members - you'll see that the recommended number varies by age
and gender.
Now for some, getting enough dairy is easy -
especially if you have little ones still breast or bottle feeding.
Many toddlers are also still very happy to drink milk. On the flip
side you may have school aged kids who prefer soda or juice to drink;
some adults don't fit in enough water let alone milk, so what can you do
to get dairy into people like this??
Well, I live this adventure - though my daughter
drinks her milk no problem, my son, myself and my husband were very low
on dairy. Here are some changes that we made to get more dairy in
our diets - perhaps one will work for your family too:
yogurt or milk based smoothies are great for
snacks and breakfast drinks. Call them milkshakes and your kids
may gobble them up even faster.
homemade pudding. Even the kind that comes
in a box that you add milk to is tasty. Beware of the pre-made
packets sold in individual containers though. I've seen some
that have very little dairy in them even though they show a picture of
a milk jug right on the package.
frozen yogurt and ice cream for snacks and
dessert - again, read the label and find a healthy one
eat more milk based soups. Canned soups can
be high in sodium but many offer reduced-sodium options. Home
made soups are also great and you can add lots of veggies too - and
they don't have to be made with cream - skim milk will thicken up
nicely with cornstarch added (search online for recipes).
soy or rice milk - read the labels but many of
these are great sources of calcium too.
Whatever changes you make and new things you try,
keep in mind that some sources of dairy can be high in fat - like
cheese. If your doctor has recommended a diet lower in fat, there
are many, many low fat dairy choices - yes, even fat-reduced cheeses,
that your family might love just as much :)
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comes in two sizes:
Letter paper
- you'll also find this version
online here.
Legal paper
size - you'll find this version
online here.
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